
   ANDMarine Ltd.

  • Octavian midterm, French Riviera.jpg
  • 21 measuring leg lengths.jpg
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  • 85ft GRP Mptor yacht.jpg
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  • Playbouy secured.JPG
  • Spirit composite yacht.JPG

ANDMarine Ltd.

60, Westmorland Road

Felixstowe, IP119TW. UK.


Tel      +44 (0) 1394 271435

Mob    +44 (0) 7852 765695

Email   ima@andmarine.co.uk


UK Company No. 05685517.

MCA Commercial Coding (SCV)

Yachts and boats are prepared and surveyed to ensure compliance with the MCA SCV code to allow the issue of certification allowing the yachts to be used for commercial purposes.  The same process applies to workboats, fishing charted boats, Pilot boats, and in fact any other small (less than 24m loadline length) vessel to be used commercially.

We assist owners in understanding the requirements, identifying the equipment necessary, the modifications needed if any, and the application process and then when the vessel is declared ready by the owner, we attend and carry out the compliance survey and complete the necessary documentation that is then sent to the YDSA offices for checking and approval.  The office will then issue the proper certificate in behalf of the MCA (Marine and Coastguard Agency)

The application forms and other guidance can be downloaded from various sources such as the YDSA website, but on request, we can email copies to prospective clients.

Charter fishing Catamaran

The photo to the left shows a Charter Fishing Catamaran that is going to be prepared for coding, and about to have the initial inspection to identify whatever work (if any) is required to ensure that the structure and fittings meet the requirements of the code (MGN280), and to identify what equipment will be required in line with the requirements for the category of waters and distance from safe Haven, and also the number of persons to be carried.





     Octavian midterm, French Riviera

Here a motor charter yacht is moored on the French Riviera, and about to undergo her Mid-Term inspection - that occurs in line with either the second or third renewal of her certificates, at the owners choice.









Below is a larger vessel of nominally 82 ft in length, which just fits within the definitions of a "small commercial vessel" and was coded whilst in her home port in Cyprus.  At the same time, she underwent full MLC compliance preparation. inspection and certification, and was issued with an MLC certificate as required by her Registration Authority, which in this case was Gibraltar. 
